Topical Healing Balm - Organic Cannabis Kelowna | Organic Okanagan Grown Cannabis Products - Canna Healing Company
Topical Healing Balms: TWIN TURBO XXTREME - THE MOST POWERFUL BALM WE'VE MADE! (100, 50 & 15mL)
NEW FORMULATION with MORE THAN TWICE THE EXTRACT AGAIN!! <br>THC content: 1600mg/100ml (TURBO BALM is now what our TWIN TURBO was)<br>Introducing Canna Healing Company's most EXTREME Healing Balm. <br>There are a lot of conditions right now that are in need of powerful solutions. This balm is now THE BOMB! Without doubling the price Twin Turbo XXtreme is one of the most healing balms on the market today using only organic all natural ingredients. You can use sparingly due to its powerful nature. <br>Uses: Chronic joint pain, skin issues including eczema and psoriasis, cuts, bites and stings including plants, heat and chemical burns, moles, rashes, scars, neuropathy, bunion pain, inflammation and more. Great addition to your first aid kit all year round.<br><br>Ingredients: Olive oil*, raw shea butter*, raw coconut butter*, local beeswax, sunshine grown cannabis extract*, essential oils of sweet orange and eucalyptus. *Organic ingredients. <br>Store at room temperature. If the balm becomes gritty heat in the oven at 200 degrees F until liquid then cool to restore consistency. Non toxic. <br>Note: Colour and aroma may vary slightly due to seasonal extracts from outdoor organic farms.
6 reviews
Topical Healing Balms: TURBO EXTREME: DOUBLE THE POTENCY!! (50mL & 100mL)
NEW FORMULATION!! MORE THAN TWICE THE EXTRACT THAN BEFORE!! <br>Turbo Extreme THC content: 880mg/100ml (was 330mg/100ml)<br>Cannabis-infused healing balm for topical relief of ACUTE muscle and joint pain, arthritis, skin rashes, heat and chemical burns including, eczema/psoriasis, stings/bites, acne, cuts, scrapes, bruises, sprains, reduce scarring, headaches, bunion pain. <br>Ingredients: Olive oil*, raw shea butter*, raw coconut butter*, local beeswax, sunshine grown whole plant cannabis extract*, essential oils of sweet orange and eucalyptus. *Organic ingredients.<br>Store at room temperature. If the balm becomes gritty heat in the oven until liquid then cool to restore consistency. Pets love the taste so keep container out of reach or it might get eaten! Non toxic. Note: Note: Colour and aroma may vary slightly due to seasonal extracts used from outdoor organic farms. Enjoy!
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